Monday, May 23, 2016

Fernwood Benefit Concert: Inspiring Change Through Music


9 years ago, after participating in a Sister Schools supply drive, Katherine Berry approached Founder Terry McGill and asked, "What more can I do?" A music teacher at Fernwood Elementary, Katherine decided to create a benefit concert to raise money for projects in Uganda. Fast forward to today and you see that this isn't just a concert - it’s an event that transforms the lives of everyone involved.  

"Just like our students donating school supplies creates a connection between them and students in Uganda, our benefit concerts create connections. My students realize that by donating their time and talent, they can raise funds for projects like building literacy centers, providing desks and chairs or construction of latrines and shower facilities. We are creating a presence of Fernwood in Uganda - in much the same way that there is a presence of Uganda at Fernwood." -Katherine Berry
DSC_0348 The Sister Schools Benefit Concert features the Bad Monkeys, a marimba band composed of Fernwood 5th and 6th grade students and led by Mrs. Berry. The impact of these concerts on the school community cannot be overstated; over one-third of the students at Fernwood Elementary have participated. Being in the band is a high honor at Fernwood, and playing in the concert is a memorable part of their childhood. In fact, most of the children that take part in the concert do so for multiple years. Elie, whose sister was also a Bad Monkey, explains that her family has participated in the supply drive every year and have learned "to look at things like school supplies differently. You appreciate them more."

Katherine's daughter Sadie appreciates that "working with an actual school, your Sister School," promotes empathy and partnership. The Benefit Concert has provided support for several schools and multiple Literacy Centers. In addition, countless students have created their own supply drives, fundraisers and projects to support their peers in Uganda - think of all the conversations ignited, questions asked and perspectives shifted!  

Aiden, a 6th grader, proclaims she "can't help but smile just knowing that I made a difference." Witnessing the pride, compassion and dedication the students and staff put into these events is incredibly powerful; we would like to invite you to see first hand the change inspired by Sister Schools - and accomplished by those who made the choice to give back.

Please join us at the 9th Annual Sister Schools Benefit Concert May 26th, 2016.


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